
Two weeks visitation of IBNA Balotesti, Romania, from 11th to 25th of September, 2010

Five young researchers Nedeljka Spasevski, Bojana Kokić, Đuro Vukmirović, Radmilo Čolović,  and Dušica Ivanov visited “Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Biologie si Nutritie Animala” (IBNA) in Balotesti, Romania, from 11th to 25th of September, 2010, in aim to exchange research experience and improve their knowledge trough communication and practical experiments.  Here are their impressions:

This two weeks visitation of IBNA was a great opportunity for us to get overall picture of research institution in Romania and their scientific work. Our host was Mr. Catalin Dragomir, PhD, but also many young researchers employed in IBNA Institute, who introduced us with organization of the institute. In many of discussions with Mr. Catalin and other reputable scientists, we learned about determination of protein digestibility of ruminant in vivo, metabolic energy, fatty acid composition, and various analyses related to ruminant investigation, as well as their ongoing studies. Most interesting fact for us was that IBNA works on infistulated animals, which is a good starting point for further joint investigations and research activities for future international projects. Among other, we made professional contacts with Dr. eng. Ilie Voicu, Dr. chem. Rodica Diana Criste, Grd. eng. Smaranda Pop, Dr. eng. chem. Margareta Olteanu, Dr. chem. Mariana Ropota, etc.

On 23rd and 24th of September, IBNA was an organizer of 9th International Symposium of Animal Biology and Nutrition, Bucharest 2010, in which we actively participated with scientific papers and poster presentation.

We want to express our satisfaction that we spent two weeks in a professional, but carrying environment.